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Published: 10.12.2024

STANAG: AMedP-1.7 Capability Matrix




9 September 2022

  1. The enclosed Allied Medical Publication AMedP- 1.7, Edition A, Version 2 MEDICAL EVALUATION MANUAL, which has been approved by the nations in the Military Committee Medical Standardization Board, is promulgated herewith. The agreement of nations to use this publication is recorded in STANAG 2560.
  2. AMedP-1.7, Edition A, Version 2 is effective upon receipt and supersedes AMedP-1 .7, Edition A, Version 1, which shall be destroyed in accordance with the local procedure for the destruction of documents.
  3. This NATO standardization document is issued by NATO. In case of reproduction, NATO is to be acknowledged. NATO does not charge any fee for its standardization documents at any stage, which are not intended to be sold. They can be retrieved from the NATO Standardization Document Database ( or through your national standardization authorities.
  4. This publication shall be handled in accordance with C-M(2002)60.

Signature NATO Standartization Office











Note: The reservations listed on this page include only those that were recorded at time of promulgation and may not be complete. Refer to the NATO Standardization Document Database for the complete list of existing reservations.



[detail of reservation]


The Albanian Armed Force will use this document for evaluation of medical capabilities up to a Role 2 level.


Germany reserves the right:

  1. The ability to treat wounded decontamination is in DEU Role 2 + / 3 available. In CBRN-Situations contaminated wounded and warfare agent wounded should be decontaminated prior to a secondary care in medical facilities. To this end, the wounded decontamination device (CBRN decontamination module) must set up and operate in close proximity to a treatment device of level 2+/ 3. The operation of an emergency treatment facility cannot be operated under personal NBC protective equipment and is therefore to keep free of contamination.
    The AMedP-1.7 describes in the core module “Emergency Area“ broad medical CBRN capabilities including CBRN contamination modules - this is not in line with the DEU concepts. In that regard, the agreement is supported with reservations.
  2. From a professional medical perspective, the following reservations about AMedP-1.8 Skills Matrix must be considered:
    Primary Health Care Module:
    A module to pack and sterilize equipment is normally not available at Role 1 facilities. The use of disposable items is preferred.
    General remark on clinical specialties (Clinical Specialism Module):
    Severely ill or injured patients are generally sought to be repatriated as soon as possible following adequate initial treatment.
    Pediatrics Module
    It is possible to provide emergency treatment to children without guaranteeing pediatric standards.
    Physiotherapy Module
    Rehabilitation services are offered at Role 4 facilities, but are not available on deployment.
    Gynecology and Obstetrics Module
    It is possible to provide emergency treatment of gynecological diseases without guaranteeing gynaecological standards. Medical care of pregnant women will not be provided.


Capabilities on the control of drinking water in the MTFs deployed by Spain will be included and evaluated within the module " Medical Supply" and will be executed as specified in the STANAG 2136 " Requirements for water potability. During field operations and in emergency situations- AMedP-4.9 Edition A"


This document will be used in the Croatian Armed Forces for evaluating medical capabilities up to a Role 2 level.


LVA applies this standard only for Role 1 medical unit evaluation, with the exception of CBRN capacity.


The Armed Forces of Montenegro has established medical support as an organizational unit, the Military Medical Center, which provides primary and secondary medical services. IAW national capacities and level of ambitions, the Armed Forces of Montenegro develops up to Role – 1 medical capabilities. The Armed Forces of Montenegro due to limited capacities is not able to develop Role - 2 and Role – 3 medical support capabilities.


Role-2 and above Medical Support is conducted under the responsibility of Ministry of Health.






Note: The reservations listed on this page include only those that were recorded at time of promulgation and may not be complete. Refer to the NATO Standardization Document Database for the complete list of existing reservations.

AMedP-1.7 Capability Matrix

  1. AMedP-1.7 is part of STANAG 2560 together with AMedP-1.6 and AMedP-.8 and describes the individual medical modules. A core capability description of the medical module is provided in this document. A detailed description of medical capabilities can be found in AMedP-1.8.
  2. The Capability Matrix is used as template for AMedP-1.6 Annex E – AQ to describe the key questions per module and for AMedP-1.8 to describe the skill sets per module.
  3. Reference of the capability code: Corrigendum Bi-SC Capability Codes and Capability Statements (CC&CS), dated 29th of July 2020. As enclosure 1 to ENCLOSURE 1 TO SH/SDP/SDF/CFR/DPF/19-003782 ACT/SPP/DP/TT-2897/SER:NU0074, in this document the following 15 Capability Codes are mentioned1:

1Capability codes are revised every second year. Most recent version of the Bi-SC Capability Codes and Capability Statements (CC&CS) can be found on the webpage of the NSO.

Capability Code MED-MEA


Aeromedical Evacuation - Fixed Wing Augmentation

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing deployable trained medical personnel and aeromedical certified equipment to undertake in-theatre fixed wing aeromedical evacuation.

Capability Code MED-HME


Aeromedical Evacuation - Rotary Wing Augmentation

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing deployable trained medical personnel and aeromedical certified equipment to undertake in-theatre rotary wing aeromedical evacuation.

Capability Code MED-AMB


Ground Ambulance Unit

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of ground medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) of casualties within theatre of operations

Capability Code MED-CSU


Casualty Staging Unit (CSU)

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of holding and providing medical care to patients either as an augmentation to R2 (both R2B and R2E) and R3 or in preparation for evacuation from the area of operations.

Capability Code MED-DIR


Medical Director and Appointed Staff

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of developing and setting theatre medical policies, plans and directives, coordinating and synchronizing theatre level medical activities and monitoring and assessing the health situation of personnel, based on a joint and multinational approach.

Capability Code MED-DOIT


Deployable Outbreak Investigation Team

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of rapidly deploying in an area of operations to collect, analyze and assess evidence of suspected illnesses and/or infectious diseases and CBRN events.

Capability Code MED-LOG


MED-LOG Medical Logistics Company

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of organizing and operating the reception, storage and issue of the full range of medical equipment and consumables.

Capability Code MED-PMT


MED-PMT Preventive Medicine Team

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of identifying, observing (surveillance), monitoring and reporting of risks and threats to the health of personnel at theatre level, based on a joint and multinational approach.

Capability Code MED-R2B-LAND


Role 2 Basic Land Medical Treatment Facility

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing a land-based facility for Damage Control Surgery and surgical procedures for emergency surgical cases by providing general and emergency medical (including surgery) care.

Capability Code MED-R2B-HM


Role 2 Basic High Mobility Medical Treatment Facility

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing a highly mobile facility for Damage Control Surgery and surgical procedures for emergency surgical cases by providing general and emergency medical (including surgery) care.

Capability Code MED-R2B-AFLOAT


Role 2 Basic Afloat Medical Treatment Facility

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing general and emergency medical and primary surgery care including Damage Control Surgery and surgical procedures for emergency surgical cases.

Capability Code MED-R2E


Role 2 Enhanced Medical Treatment Facility

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing general, emergency and secondary health care built around primary surgery, intensive care and nursed beds.

Capability Code MED-R2E-AFLOAT


Role 2 Enhanced Medical Treatment Facility Afloat

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing afloat general, emergency, primary and secondary healthcare, including surgery, intensive care and nursed beds.

Capability Code MED-R3


Role 3 Medical Treatment Facility

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing deployed theatre emergency and secondary health care, with definitive intensive care support and a range of sub-specialist clinical capabilities, within the restrictions of the theatre holding policy.

Capability Code MED-ST


Surgical Team (reinforcement)

Capstone Capability Statements

Capable of providing surgical capacity within a deployed medical treatment facility.

Overview of Modules and Core Capability Description

Module 1: Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Information (C4I)

Capability: Provide command, control, communication s, computers and information.

Module Core Capability Description: The C4I module must be able to provide command and control using the available communication, computers and information systems to ensure the functioning of applicable modules, systems and processes. It is able to support contingencies during NFO and other NATO supported missions. If applicable, COORDINATION as part of the CIV/MIL MED Interface, and CONSULTATION as intra and interfacility MED Information Management may be executed in this module.

Capability Code: MED-DIR

Module 2: Hospital Management

Capability: Provide hospital management, patient administration.

Module Core Capability Description: Medical care standards are to be defined. The hospital management module must be able to ensure medical support at the current standard of medical care equal to the care provided in the home country. It maintains patient medical records and provides patient administration. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-DIR

Module 3: Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell (PECC)

Capability: Provide and maintain situational awareness. Provide regulation and coordination of patient transfer. Communication

Module Core Capability Description: The PECC module must have and maintain situational awareness at all times. It is aware of all medical capabilities within their AOR and it regulates, coordinates, provides tracking and documentation of all patient movements under their responsibility. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-DIR

Module 4: Medical Plans (MEDPLANS)

Capability: Provide planning for the medical support to operations and inform operational commanders.

Module Core Capability Description: The MEDPLANS module is able to provide the necessary support to operational healthcare planning. It is able to plan the integration of the MedChain into the operations and ensure quality of care and clinical timelines as much as operationally possible It is able to clearly stipulate medical capabilities, requirements and risks and ensures that operational commanders are aware of them. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-DIR

Module 5: Medical Operation (MEDOPS)

Capability: Provide control of medical support to operations.

Module Core Capability Description: The MEDOPS module is able to control the medical support of current operations and ensures continuity of adequate medical support within their AOR also in regard to planned operations requiring the same assets. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP- 1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-DIR

Module 6: Ground Ambulance

Capability: Provide pre- and inter- hospital emergency care and patient transport to a and between MTF/s

Module Core Capability Description: The Ground Ambulance must be able to manage pre-hospital emergency care and life support for non-/trauma casualties during transport. When applicable it must be able to manage CBRN patients. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-AMB

Module 7: Aeromedical Casualty Staging Unit

Capability: Provide patient care in preparation for strategic aeromedical transport.

Module Core Capability Description: The module is able to provide care to patients up to the highest dependency level and prepare them for strategic aeromedical transport. It is able to provide temporarily and limited holding support to IC teams and assist then in preparing the patient for transport. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-CSU

Module 8: Forward Aeromedical Evacuation (FwdAE)

Capability: Provide pre- hospital emergency care and patient transport to a MTF.

Module Core Capability Description: The Forward Aeromedical Evacuation module must be able to manage pre- hospital emergency care and life support for non-/trauma casualties during transport. When applicable it must be able to manage CBRN patients It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP- 1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021. FwdAE personnel must be able to act in case of an Aircraft mishap.

Capability Code: MED-HME

Module 9: Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation (TacAE)

Capability: Provide emergency care and inter- facility patient transport to a MTF out of the Combat Zone and/or between MTFs.

Module Core Capability Description: The Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation module must be able to manage pre- hospital emergency care and life support for non-/trauma casualties during transport. When applicable it must be able to manage CBRN patients. It manages and maintains stock. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021. TacAE personnel must be able to act in case of an AC mishap.

Capability Code: MED-HME

Module 10: Strategic Aeromedical Evacuation (StratAE)

Capability: Provide in-flight emergency care and strategic patient aeromedical transport.

Module Core Capability Description: The Strategic Aeromedical Evacuation module must be able to manage pre- hospital emergency care and life support for non-/trauma casualties during transport. When applicable it must be able to manage CBRN patients. It manages and maintains stock. StratAE personnel must be able to act in case of an AC mishap.

Capability Code: MED-MEA

Module 11: Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT)

Capability: Provide specialised, mobile emergency, advanced resuscitative / critical care, and in-theatre patient transport to a and/or between MTFs.

Module Core Capability Description: The MERT must be able to provide mobile emergency, advanced resuscitative / critical care and life support for high dependency (non-/trauma casualties and patients, ensure pre- and inter-facility transport, provide nursing care especially during short to medium range transport. When applicable it must be able to manage CBRN patients. It manages and maintains stock. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021. If it is airborne, its personnel must be able to act in case of an AC mishap.
MERT is able to provide advanced resuscitative and critical care by highly specialised and specially trained medical team.

Capability Code: MED-ST

Module 12: Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST)

Capability: Provide specialised, mobile emergency, advanced resuscitative / critical care and in- and out-of- theatre patient Aeromedical transport.

Module Core Capability Description: The CCAST must be able to provide mobile emergency, advanced resuscitative / critical care and life support for high dependency (non-/trauma patients, ensure inter-facility transport over medium to long distances / time and provide specialised nursing care during tactical and strategic aeromedical evacuation. When applicable it must be able to manage CBRN patients. It manages and maintains stock. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021. CCAST personnel must be able to act in case of an AC mishap.
CCAST is able to provide advanced resuscitative and critical care by highly specialised and specially trained medical team.

Capability Code: MED-ST

Module 13: Primary Healthcare (PH)

Capability: Provide primary healthcare and provide pre- hospital emergency care for minor emergencies or initiate major emergency response.

Module Core Capability Description: healthcare and provide pre- hospital emergency care for minor emergencies or initiate major emergency response. The PH module must be able to ensure general medical practice including basic preventive, environmental and occupational, medical advice and nursing care. It must be able to assist in prehospital emergency care and life support, initiate management of severe (non-/trauma) casualties or patients and their transfer. It must be able to manage infectious and CBRN contaminated patients, field sterilisation services and storage of sterile equipment, conduct administrative tasks, control stock levels in transport assets (if applicable) and manage stores. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: -

Module 14: Emergency area

Capability: It ensures the management of all non-/trauma emergencies in any severities.

Module Core Capability Description: The Emergency Area module must be able to assess and manage emergency trauma and non-trauma patients in any condition (i.e., from minor to life-threatening emergency conditions). Maintain stock levels and be able to prepare patients for transfer and perform administrative tasks. It must be able to manage infectious and decontaminated CBRN patients (if applicable). It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 15: Patient Holding

Capability: Provide temporary care for patients prior to transfer.

Module Core Capability Description: The Patient Holding module must be able to temporarily manage low dependency (non-/trauma) patients, provide nursing care. It is able to prepare patient for transfer. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 16: Surgical

Capability: Deliver surgical care both on emergency (including damage control procedures) and elective basis.

Module Core Capability Description: The Surgical Module must be able to manage a trauma and another surgical type emergencies, provide perioperative anaesthesia and surgical care for trauma and another surgical-type patient in any conditions both on emergency and elective basis. In addition, it may be able to manage the operating room (OR) and prepare patient transfer. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 17: Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Capability: Provide surgical and medical intensive care.

Module Core Capability Description: The ICU must be able to manage a critical non-/trauma patient, including CBRN, provide high dependency level organ supportive care.Be able to prepare patients for critical care transfer and perform administrative tasks. It must be able to manage infectious and CBRN contaminated patients (if applicable and their critical condition require it).
It must be able to manage in (tra)-facility/hospital patient transfer and prepare the patient for AEROMEDEVAC. Maintain and supervise stock levels. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 18: Post- operative (High Dependency Unit (HDU))

Capability: Manage Post- operative patient care and transfer.

Module Core Capability Description: Post-Op must be able to manage post-operative patients, including monitoring, haemostasis management, analgo-sedation and short-term ventilation, if ICU is not available. It must be able to prepare the patient for transfer. It controls stock levels.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 19: Ward

Capability: Provide in- patient nursing care.

Module Core Capability Description: The ward must be able to provide patient care including post-operative patient care, without need for high-dependency care. It conducts administrative tasks and controls stock levels. It is able to prepare patient for in-hospital or inter hospital transfer.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 20: Isolation ward

Capability: Provide care to contaminated and/or infectious patients.

Module Core Capability Description: The isolation ward must be able to provide normal dependency-level care or transfer contaminated and or infectious patients minimising the risk of contaminating others. It is able to handle contaminated waste.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 21: Special Contributions

Capability: Provide mission tailored clinical expertise.

Module Core Capability Description: tailored clinical expertise. These Special Contributions provides mission tailored clinical expertise such as: neurosurgery, ophthalmology, Oro Facial Maxillary Surgeon (OFMS), burns surgery/care, paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology, etc. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-R3

Module 22: Physiotherapy

Capability: Provide physiotherapy support and manage rehabilitation.

Module Core Capability Description: The module is able to provide physiotherapy and preventive physiotherapeutic support to the mission. It supports rehabilitation in the mission area when applicable. The module provides advice to the senior medical officer and operation commander on preventive measures when required.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-R3

Module 23: Dental

Capability: Provide primary dental care.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide primary and emergency dental care, pain relief, intra-oral radiography and if applicable: panoramic radiography, oro and maxillofacial surgery as well as forensic dentistry.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-R3

Module 24: Mental Health

Capability: Provide mental health surveillance and management.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide operational Mental Health (MH) care. It must be able to manage substance related problems and manage acute stress reaction and PTSS/PTSD. It will advise to the Chain of Command (CoC) and provide Liaison Service to medical, nursing and other allied healthcare provider colleagues. It will offer preventive mental health outreach and when required, provides operational MH briefings to military forces. Etc, etc.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-R3

Module 25: Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Medical Support

Capability: Provide medical support to manage CBRN patients.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to manage CBRN patients including recognition, safety drills including PPE selection, triage, casualty management including assessment, treatment and casualty hazard management (contain, decontamination, isolation and/or quarantine). It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 26: Specified Diagnostic

Capability: Provide field laboratory testing and basic imaging.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide field radiography, ultrasound (sonography) and basic laboratory services. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 27: Laboratory

Capability: Provide laboratory services.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide laboratory services to the medical support system. It keeps record of laboratory results and samples and is able to ship biological samples.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 28: Imagery

Capability: Provide imagery examinations. (If applicable including CT, MRi and other options).

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide imagery examination (X-ray, ultrasound). It provides the logistic functions for imagery services and manages the radiology room. If applicable, the CT module must be able to provide CT scans. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 29: Sterilisation

Capability: Provide sterile medical and surgical equipment.

Module Core Capability Description: The Sterilisation must be able to provide field sterilisation services for the medical and/or surgical modules of the medical systems. It manages and maintains sterilisation equipment and controls stock levels. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 30: Medical Supply and maintenance

Capability: Provide medical supply and materiel.

Module Core Capability Description: Med Supply must be able to provide drugs and medical (disposable) supply and supply coordination under supervision of a pharmacist in accordance with Good Distribution Practice. Ensures medical equipment exchanges procedures during the HOTO of casualties and the maintenance of medical equipment IOT ensure sustainability of the MEDCHAIN and its medical stock levels. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-LOG

Module 31: Oxygen

Capability: Provide medical oxygen.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide sufficient medical oxygen for the medical support system. Be able to register during production, track and trace distributed medical oxygen. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-LOG

Module 32: Blood bank

Capability: Provide blood products.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to store and provide blood products for the medical support system. Be able to register the processed blood products and track and trace distributed blood products. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-LOG, MED-R2F, MED-R2, MED-R3

Module 33: Pharmacy

Capability: Provide pharmacy services.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide pharmacy services to the medical support system. Maintain and supervise stock levels.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-R3

Module 34: Hyperbaric

Capability: Provide Hyperbaric Care or Treatment.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to safely treat diving casualties and cases of aviation decompression illness. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-R3

Module 35: Preventive Medicine

Capability: Provide preventive and environmental medicine.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide sampling services and preventive medicine advise, perform analysis and manage rodent control and administrative/logistical functions.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021. PrevMed must be able to contribute to the common operational picture and advice IRT MEDINT.

Capability Code: MED-PMT

Module 36: Mortuary

Capability: Provide Post- mortem care.

Module Core Capability Description: The mortuary must be able to receive and hold remains. It is able to provide post-mortem care (including administrative tasks and preparing for transport). When applicable it is able to assist in autopsy and the storage and/or handling of medical waste. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.


Module 37: Rapidly Deployable Outbreak Investigation Team

Capability: Provide field and desktop investigations services and identification of causative agents.

Module Core Capability Description: Provide identification of the causative agent of the outbreak or incident.
Perform epidemiological field or desktop investigation in order to provide information to assist command and medical decisions. Advice on prevention and control measures and provide advice to medical authorities. It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-PMT

Module 38: Food and Water Safety and Defence

Capability: Provide field services to ensure the safety and defence of food and water supplies.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to assess food and water safety management systems and carry out inspections of food producing and storing premises, and lines of food and water supply, to ensure the safety and security of food and food supplies. Must provide military veterinary expertise to commanders.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-PMT

Module 39: Animal healthcare

Capability: Provide animal healthcare and ensure animal welfare for military working animals.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to provide preventive care and clinical treatment/surgical treatment to deployed military working animals, and to advice and supervise units in order to ensure the welfare of military working animals with regards to kenneling, transportation and use during deployment.
Must provide military veterinary expertise and undertake risk assessment and, if necessary, implement control measures to minimize the risk of transmission of animal and animal borne diseases to safeguard human and animal health.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-PMT

Module 40: Vector, Pest and Environmental Health Control

Capability: Ensure public health through the surveillance, prevention, and control of the spread of zoonotic, animal and vector borne diseases that could cause a threat to human health.

Module Core Capability Description: The module must be able to assess risks associated with animal health, environmental factors and pests, and to advise units to maintain biosecurity through the deployment, operation and redeployment of troops and materiel.
Must be able to provide guidance and control on field and camp hygiene, including assessments of pest management systems and perform pest control to prevent risks associated with pests.
Module must be able to provide guidance and control on measures to prevent the spread of trans-boundary diseases during the deployment, operation and redeployment of troops and materiel. Must provide military veterinary expertise.
It is able to respond to contingencies as mentioned in STANAG 2879, AMedP-1.10 “Medical aspects in the management of a Major Incident/Mass Casualty situation”, dated 12 October 2021.

Capability Code: MED-PMT

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