28 January 2016
- The enclosed Allied Medical Publication AMedP-1.8, Edition A, Version 1 SKILLS MATRIX which has been approved by the nations in the Military Committee Medical Standardization Board. The agreement of nations to use this publication is recorded in STANAG 2560.
- AMedP-1.8, Edition A, Version 1 is effective upon receipt.
- No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used commercially, adapted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior pern1ission of the publisher. With the exception of commercial sales, this does not apply to member or partner nations, or NATO commands and bodies.
- This publication shall be handled in accordance with C-M(2002)60.

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Note: The reservations listed on this page include only those that were recorded at time of promulgation and may not be complete. Refer to the NATO Standardization Document Database for the complete list of existing reservations. |
[nation] | [detail of reservation] |
ESP | Capabilities on the control of drinking water in the MTFs deployed by Spain will be included and evaluated within the module " Medical Supply" and will be executed as specified in the STANAG 2136 " REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER POTABILITY DURING FIELD OPERATIONS AND IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS - AMedP-4.9 Edition A" |
HRV | This document will be used in the Croatian Armed Forces for evaluating medical capabilities up to a Role 2 level. |
LVA | LVA applies this standard only for Role 1 medical unit evaluation, with the exception of CBRN capacity. |
USA | |
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Note: The reservations listed on this page include only those that were recorded at time of promulgation and may not be complete. Refer to the NATO Standardization Document Database for the complete list of existing reservations. |
AMedP 1.8 Skills Matrix
- AMedP-1.8 is part of STANAG 2560 together with AMedP-1.6 and AMedP-1.7 and lists a set of skills from which the SMEs (member of Medical Evaluation Team) will select the appropriate skills necessary to comply with the assigned task for each medical module.
- The selected skills should be used as template to develop supporting and additional questions in order to evaluate a module in depth.
- CBRN related skills are only applicable when required according to the mission related assessed CBRN risks.
Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Information (C4I)
Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Information (C4I)
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Skill set
- Be able to perform, direct and guide IAW the applicable (MMU/ MSS) command processes in order to fulfil the assigned tasks efficiently and effectively at all times
- Be aware of the assigned task, responsibilities and restrictions within the functional area
- Be aware and be able to apply the Medical Rules of Eligibility
- Be aware to handle according to the applicable national regulations and legal constraints for each participating or contributing nation
- Arrange contingencies for MASCAL, establish MASCAL plans and procedures
Skill set
- Control the manning of the medical and supporting elements to ensure medical support IAW the assigned tasks
- Ensure interoperability between each medical and supporting elements
- Control the effective functioning of applicable modules, systems and processes
- Have knowledge of the available means to control the medical, logistical and personnel related processes
- Be able to respond and control a MASCAL situation
Skill set
- Have knowledge of the available communication means
- Ensure the effective use of the available communication means
- Be aware of and be able to make the proper use of the applicable communications procedures
Skill set
- Ensure the availability of the required systems at all times in order to operate the system including telemedicine
- Ensure logging of all available digital information
- Ensure the use of a data backup system
- Ensure the availability of backup procedures or system in order to continue operations
- Ensure the safety of privileged data IAW the regulations in effect
Skill set
- Be able to validate/verify information
- Be able to assess, analyse and apply received information required to function effectively
- Be able to disseminate information effectively
- Have knowledge of and make use of the appropriate logging and reporting requirements
- Confidential data dissemination
Hospital Management
Hospital Management
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Hospital Management
Skill set
- Be able to perform, direct and guide IAW the applicable clinical processes in order to ensure medical support at the highest possible standard of medical care at all times
- Be aware of the assigned medical tasks, responsibilities and restrictions within the functional area
- Be aware and be able to apply the Medical Rules of Eligibility
- Have knowledge of the applicable national regulations and legal constraints for each participating or contributing nation
- Ensure interoperability between the medical and supporting elements
- Control the effective functioning of medical modules, systems and processes
- Be able to advise on the manning of the medical and supporting elements to ensure medical support IAW the assigned tasks
- Have knowledge of the available means to control the medical related processes
Patient Administration
Skill set
- Have knowledge of the available communication and patient registration means
- Ensure the use of the communication and patient registrations means IAW applicable regulations
- Be able to receive and transmit patient information timely and effectively IAW effective regulations
- Be aware of and be able to make the proper use of the applicable Lines of Communications (LOC)
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell
Patient Evacuation Coordination Cell
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Situation Awareness
Skill set
- At all times be aware of the medical footprint, the medical capabilities, capacities and limitations of all medical systems in the mission area including air, sea and ground transportation means
- Be aware of the assigned PECC tasks, responsibilities and restrictions within the functional area
- Be able to advise the Medical Advisor and Operational Commander(s) immediately on patient transfer options
- Be able to perform, direct and guide the PECC processes in order to ensure the timely transfer of casualties and patients to the appropriate medical treatment facility at all times
- Be aware and be able to apply the Medical Rules of Eligibility
- Have knowledge of the applicable national regulations and legal constraints for each participating or contributing nation
Regulate and coordinate patient transfer
Skill set
- Be able to respond timely to patient movement requests (in any form) IAW PECC procedures
- Be able to disseminate all necessary information to the parties involved
- Be able to update and verify patient information when possible
- Be able to respond effectively and timely to changing situations
- Ensure the update of all information according to the executed patient transfer
- Ensure Tracking and Tracing of patients
- Be able to initiate strategic evacuation of patients and coordinate connected in-theatre patient transfer
Skill set
- Have knowledge of the available communication and patient registration means
- Have knowledge of who to contact and how to contact all stakeholders in patient transfer
- Ensure the use of the communication to effectively realise patient transfers
- Be able to log and report all patient transfer related activities IAW PECC procedures
- Be able and report all PECC daily activities IAW PECC procedures
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Medical Plans
Medical Plans
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Plan medical support to operations
Skill set
- Be aware of the medical footprint, the medical capabilities, capacities and limitations of all medical systems in the mission area including air, sea and ground transportation means
- Be aware of the planned military operations
- Be able to advise the Medical Advisor and Operational Commander(s) on the medical support for future operations
- Be able to prepare and plan for MASCAL situations.
- Be able to anticipate and act on changing requirements for medical support depending on the actual situation that have effect or future operations
- Be able to disseminate all necessary information to the parties involved
- Ensure the regular update of all planned operational medical support information
- Be able to prepare and plan for CBRN incidents (CBRN contingency plan)
Information handling
Skill set
- Have knowledge of the available communication and information systems
- Have knowledge of who to contact and how to contact all stakeholders for the planned medical support to operations
- Be able to log and report on planned medical support activities
- Be able to evaluate executed operational medical support plans
- Be able to identify lessons learned and apply these to future operational medical support plans
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Medical Operations
Medical Operations
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Control medical support to operations
Skill set
- At all times be aware of the medical footprint, the medical capabilities, capacities and limitations of all medical systems in the mission area including air, sea and ground transportation means
- Be aware of the planned medical support for ongoing and near future planned operations
- Be able to inform the Medical Advisor and Operational Commander(s) immediately on the medical operational situation
- Be able to anticipate and act on changing requirements for medical support depending on the actual situation for on-going and near future operations
- Be able to disseminate all necessary information to the parties involved
- Ensure the continuously update of all operational medical information
- Be able to advise on adaptation of medical planning
Skill set
- Have knowledge of the available communication and information systems
- Have knowledge of who to contact and how to contact all stakeholders in the ongoing and near future planned medical support to operations
- Ensure the use of the communication to effectively coordinate and advise on medical support
- Be able to log and report on operational medical support activities IAW MedOps procedures
- Be able and report all MEDOPS daily activities IAW MEDOPS procedures
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Response and or In- transit Ambulance
Response and or In- transit Ambulance
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage pre hospital care and life support
Skill set
- Pre-hospital trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, CBRN insults and hazards, decontamination procedures (CBR contamination) and management of infectious patients, and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatments
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Manage a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures
- Conduct triage
Manage patient tracking and transfer
Skill set
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (IAW medical evacuation procedures)
- Prepare equipment for casualty evacuation
- Know and be able to apply techniques for immobilization, mobilization and transport of patients
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedure to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure a proper handover
- Be familiar with procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN patients
Skill set
- Triage CBRN patients
- Perform CBRN patient assessment including ‘Quick Look’
- Provide life-saving interventions in a CBRN environment including trauma
- Perform patient hazard management (contain, decontamination and/or isolation)
- Manage chemical patients
- Manage biological patients including sepsis
- Manage radiological patients including nuclear
Manage nursing care
Skill set
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Ensure or maintain haemorrhage control
- Prepare and administer medication (including pain relief)
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Ensure transport
Skill set
- Hold appropriate driving licences
- Check and maintain the proper state of the vehicle (minimum mechanic vehicle control)
- Knowledge of the (aero) medevac organisation and structure
- Record medical activities
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
- Be able to use maps, GPS and communication system
Supervise stock levels in transport assets and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs
- Control oxygen stock and other medical material
- Manage stores
- Manage clinical waste
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedure
Aeromedical Casualty Staging
Aeromedical Casualty Staging
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage patient care
Skill set
- Manage patient care including:
- Maintain short term ventilated patients
- Survey dressings (i.e. abdominal vacuum pack, bandages, limb dressings etc.)
- Survey plastered and splinted limbs
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
- Provide general ward clinical support on request
- Basic knowledge of decontamination procedures (contaminated and infectious)
Supervise stock levels
Skill set
- Control stocks of drugs and other materiel stock
- Control oxygen stocks
- Manage clinical waste
Prepare patient for transfer
Skill set
- Knowledge of the use and limitations medical transport (ground, air and sea)
- Explain transport procedures to patient
- Prepare the patient for transfer (in-hospital and/or inter-hospital)
- Preparation of equipment for casualty evacuation
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (MEDEVAC procedure)
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure proper handover
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Forward Aeromedical Evacuation (FAE)
Forward aeromedical evacuation
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage pre hospital care and life support
Skill set
- Pre-hospital trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, radiation, decontamination procedures (radio contamination and infectious) and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatments
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Manage a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures
- Conduct triage
Manage patient tracking and transfer
Skill set
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (IAW medical evacuation procedures)
- Prepare equipment for casualty evacuation
- Know and be able to apply techniques for immobilization, mobilization and transport of patients
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedure to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure a proper handover
- Be familiar with procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Be able to manage CBRN contaminated patients in transit (including patients in patient protective equipment)
Manage nursing care
Skill set
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Ensure or maintain haemorrhage control
- Prepare and administer medication (including pain relief)
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Ensure transport
Skill set
- Check and maintain the proper configuration of the airframe and aeromedical equipment
- Knowledge of the (aero) medevac organisation and structure
- Record medical activities
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
- Be able to use maps, GPS and communication system
- Ensure communication with the appropriate elements
Be trained in Survival aircraft (AC) mishap
Skill set
- Be able to execute airframe emergency procedures
- Be able to utilize survival equipment
Control stock levels in transport assets and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs
- Control medical oxygen stock and other medical material
- Manage stores
- Manage clinical waste
- Power supplies / Electrical connections
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Tactical Aeromedevac (TAE)
Tactical Aeromedevac
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage pre hospital care and life support
Skill set
- Pre-hospital trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, radiation, decontamination procedures (radio contamination and infectious) and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatment
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Manage a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures
- Conduct triage in order to determine the patient loading order
Manage patient tracking and transfer
Skill set
- Prepare equipment for patient transfer
- Know and be able to apply techniques for immobilisation, mobilisation and transport of patients
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedure to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure a proper handover
- Include procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Be able to manage CBRN contaminated patients in tranit
Manage nursing care.
Skill set
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Ensure or maintain haemorrhage control
- Prepare and administer medication (including pain relief)
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Ensure transport
Skill set
- Check and maintain the proper configuration of the airframe and aeromedical equipment
- Knowledge of the (aero) medevac organisation and structure
- Record medical activities
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
- Ensure communication with the appropriate elements in regard to the patient transfer
- Be aware of and know how to use the appropriate Lines of Communication (LOC)
Survival aircraft (AC) mishap
Skill set
- Be able to execute airframe emergency procedures
- Be able to utilise survival equipment
- Be able to use maps, GPS and communication system
Control stock levels in transport assets and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs
- Control medical oxygen stock and other medical material
- Be able to verify availability the required electrical supply and access for the medical equipment
- Manage stores
- Manage clinical waste
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Strategic Aeromedevac (SAE)
Strategic Aeromedevac
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage care and life support
Skill set
- Trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, radiation, decontamination procedures (radio contamination and infectious) and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatment
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Manage a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures
- Conduct triage in order to determine the patient loading order
Manage patient tracking and transfer
Skill set
- Prepare equipment for patient transfer
- Know and be able to apply techniques for immobilisation, mobilisation and transport of patients
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedure to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure a proper handover
- Include procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Be able to manage CBRN contaminated patient in transit including the use of casualty protective equipment
- Be able to manage a contagious patient in an air transportable isolator
Manage nursing care.
Skill set
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Ensure or maintain haemorrhage control
- Prepare and administer medication (including pain relief)
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Ensure transport
Skill set
- Check and maintain the proper configuration of the airframe and aeromedical equipment
- Knowledge of the (aero) medevac organisation and structure
- Record medical activities
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
- Ensure communication with the appropriate elements in regard to the patient transfer
- Be aware of and know how to use the appropriate Lines of Communication (LOC)
Survival aircraft (AC) mishap
Skill set
- Be able to execute airframe emergency procedures
- Be able to utilise survival equipment
- Be able to use maps, GPS and communication system
Control stock levels in transport assets and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs
- Control medical oxygen stock and other medical material
- Be able to verify availability the required electrical supply and access for the medical equipment
- Manage stores
- Manage clinical waste
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT)
Medical Emergency Response Team
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage pre hospital care and life support
Skill set
- Pre-hospital trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, radiation, decontamination procedures (radio contamination and infectious) and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatments
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Manage a patient according ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures (i.e., conduct Damage Control Resuscitation , perform general anaesthesia, analgesia, immobilization, triage, etc)
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Ensure transport
Skill set
- Check and maintain the proper configuration of the airframe and aeromedical equipment
- Knowledge of the (aero) medevac organisation and structure
- Record medical activities
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
- Ensure communication with the appropriate elements in regard to the patient transfer
- Be aware of and know how to use the appropriate Lines of Communication (LOC)
Manage patient tracking and transfer
Skill set
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (IAW medical evacuation procedures)
- Prepare equipment for casualty evacuation
- Know and be able to apply techniques for immobilization, mobilization and transport of patients
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedure to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure a proper handover
- Include procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Triage CBRN patients
- Perform CBRN contaminated patient assessment including ‘Quick Look’
- Provide life-saving interventions in a CBRN environment including trauma
- Perform patient hazard management (contain, decontamination and/or isolation)
- Manage chemical patients
- Manage biological patients including sepsis
- Manage radiological patients including nuclear
- Manage medical aspects of a CBRN incident
Survival aircraft (AC) mishap
Skill set
- Be able to execute ac emergency procedures
- Be able to utilize survival equipment including maps, GPS and radio
Control stock levels in transport assets and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs
- Control oxygen stock and other medical material
- Manage stores
- Manage clinical waste
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST)
Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST)
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage pre hospital care and life support
Skill set
- Pre-hospital trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, radiation, decontamination procedures (radio contamination and infectious) and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatment
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Be able to transport critically ill or injured patients (intubated/ ventilated)
- Manage a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures
- Conduct triage in order to determine the patient loading order
Manage patient tracking and transfer
Skill set
- Prepare equipment for patient transfer
- Know and be able to apply techniques for immobilisation, mobilisation and transport of patients
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedure to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure a proper handover
- Include procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Be able to manage critically ill CBRN contaminated patients in transit
Manage nursing care.
Skill set
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Ensure or maintain haemorrhage control
- Prepare and administer medication (including pain relief)
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Ensure transport
Skill set
- Check and maintain the proper configuration of the airframe and aeromedical equipment to handle critical ill or injured patients.
- Knowledge of the (aero) medevac organisation and structure
- Record medical activities
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
- Ensure communication with the appropriate elements in regard to the patient transfer
- Be aware of and know how to use the appropriate Lines of Communication (LOC)
Survival aircraft (AC) mishap
Skill set
- Be able to execute airframe emergency procedures
Control stock levels in transport assets and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs for long duration transports
- Control medical oxygen stock and other medical material
- Be able to verify availability the required electrical supply and access for the medical equipment
- Manage stores
- Manage clinical waste
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Primary Healthcare
Primary Healthcare
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provision of general medical practice including basic occupational medical advice
Skill set
- Assess and treat a patient
- Refer patient to specialised care when required
- Deliver preventive medical treatment
- Control and realise vaccinations
- Preparation and training of the medical team
- Be able to manage CBRN patient (Hazard Management Capability, i.e decontamination or casualty bags)
- Ensure that personnel exposed to a blast potentially responsible of a Minimal Traumatic Brain Injury is identified and traced. This information is transmitted to the appropriate national defence health service
Assist in pre hospital care and life support
Skill set
- Apply basic life support techniques
- Apply decontamination procedures (contaminated and infectious)
- Assist in patient tracking
- Assist medical personnel in advance (trauma) life support
Manage severe casualties (trauma and wound injuries)
Skill set
- Conduct triage
- Assess patients
- Apply pre-hospital trauma life support principles
- Knowledge of: triage, radiation, decontamination procedures (radio contamination and infectious) and (aero) medevac
- Record and update patient related observations and treatment
- Conduct Damage Control Resuscitation
- Perform analgesia (intravenous and/or local or regional anaesthesia)
- Perform immobilization
Manage patient transfer.
Skill set
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (MEDEVAC procedure)
- Assist in preparation of equipment for casualty evacuation.
- Prepare patient for transfer and explain transport procedures to the patient
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure proper handover
- Include procedures to follow in case of death
Manage nursing care
Skill set
- Assist and inform physician
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Ensure or maintain haemorrhage control
- Prepare and administer medication (including pain relief)
- Check proper application of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
- Manage clinical waste
Manage infectious and CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Recognise CBRN patient
- Triage CBRN patient
- Perform CBRN patient assessment including ‘Quick Look’
- Provide life-saving interventions in a CBRN environment including trauma
- Perform patient hazard management (contain, decontamination and/or isolation)
- Manage chemical patient
- Manage biological patient including sepsis
Manage field sterilization services and manage storage of sterile equipment
Skill set
- Receive contaminated equipment
- Clean and disinfect equipment
- Inspect and service equipment
- Pack and sterilise equipment
- Maintain stock levels
- Manage store
Conduct administrative tasks
Skill set
- Produce all technical and administrative documents for patient (minimum core data, epidemiologic table)
- Record medical activities
- Issue medical certificates
- Understand procedures to be followed in case of death
- Knowledge of command procedures
Control stock levels in transport assets (if applicable) and manage stores
Skill set
- Control stock of drugs
- Control medical oxygen stock and other medical material
- Manage stores
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Emergency Area
Emergency Area
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Assess and manage critically ill or trauma patients
Skill set
- Manage a patient according ATLS or Battle ATLS procedures (i.e., conduct Damage Control Resuscitation, perform general anaesthesia, analgesia, immobilisation, triage, etc)
- Assess patient and deliver high care
- Understand and manage monitoring equipment and respiratory support (including ventilators) and other technical equipment as required
- Prepare and administer medical treatment
- Provide adequate pain relief and adjust treatment as necessary
- Perform blood transfusion
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Check comfort and fit of plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
- Provide general ward clinical support on request
Manage infectious and CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
- Recognise CBRN patients
- Triage CBRN patients
- Perform CBRN patient assessment including ‘Quick Look’
- Provide life-saving interventions in a CBRN environment including trauma
- Perform patients hazard management (contain, decontamination and/or isolation)
- Manage chemical patients
- Manage biological patients including sepsis
- Manage radiological patients including nuclear
- Manage the medical aspects of a CBRN incident (hospital phase)
Supervise stock levels
Skill set
- Control stocks of drugs and other materiel stock
- Control oxygen stocks
- Manage clinical waste
Prepare patient for transfer
Skill set
- Knowledge of the use and limitations medical transport (ground, air and sea)
- Explain transport procedures to patient
- Prepare the patient for transfer (in-hospital and/or inter-hospital)
- Preparation of equipment for casualty evacuation
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (MEDEVAC procedure)
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure proper handover
- Include procedures to be followed in case of death
Conduct administrative tasks
Skill set
- Manage medical data recording before evacuation
- Know command procedures according the appropriate SOP’s
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Patient Holding
Patient Holding
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage critically ill patients or critically wounded casualties
Skill set
- Basic knowledge of triage procedures
- Be able to perform Basic Life Support (BLS) procedures
- Assist medical personnel in Advance Life Support (Trauma) Survey dressings (i.e. abdominal vacuum pack, bandages, limb dressings etc.)
- Survey plastered and splinted limbs
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
- Provide general ward clinical support on request
- Basic knowledge of decontamination procedures (contaminated and infectious)
Manage high nursing care including postoperative nursing care
Skill set
- Assist and inform physician
- Assess patient and deliver nursing care
- Understand and manage monitoring equipment and respiratory support and other technical equipment as required
- Prepare and administer medical treatment
- Provide adequate pain relief
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
Supervise stock levels
Skill set
- Control stocks of drugs and other materiel stock
- Control oxygen stocks
- Manage clinical waste
Prepare patient for transfer
Skill set
- Knowledge of the use and limitations medical transport (ground, air and sea)
- Explain transport procedures to patient
- Prepare the patient for transfer (in-hospital and/or inter-hospital)
- Preparation of equipment for casualty evacuation
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (MEDEVAC procedure)
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure proper handover
- Know procedures to be followed in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage trauma patients
Skill set
- Perform triage
- Manage a patient (including CBRN) according ATLS or Battle ATLS principles (i.e. conduct Damage Control Resuscitation, perform general anaesthesia, analgesia, immobilization, etc)
- Perform eFAST
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Check plasters and splints
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
- Manage post-operative trauma ward care
- Prescribe medical treatment
Anaesthetise a patient
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment
- Perform general anaesthesia
- Perform local anaesthetic technique
- Perform regional anaesthesia
- Manage care in the recovery area
- Prescribe medical treatment
Manage peri-operative care and advanced life support
Skill set
- Perform basic airway techniques and provide support for advanced airway techniques and casualty resuscitation
- Prepare and/or supervise the preparation of the operating room
- Manage pre and post-operative care
- Manage the provision of analgesia and assessment of its efficiency
Deliver Surgical Care
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment
- Perform damage control surgery including:
- Insertion of thoracic drain
- Control of thoracic haemorrhages
- Perform tracheotomy
- Haemorrhage control (temporary haemostasis, limb vascular shunts etc.)
- Intestinal exclusion, bile and pancreatic drainage, drain for pancreatic and/or hepatic secretion
- Solid organ inspection and abdominal packing (liver, splenic, retroperitoneal and pelvic haemorrhage), splenectomy, nephrectomy.
- Laparostomy
- Perform abdominal revision surgery
- Damage Control orthopaedic Surgery
- limb (debridement and external fixation)
- spine (debridement and spine stabilization)
- external bone fixation
- amputation
- Escharotomy
- Perform surgery
- Soft tissue
- Abdominal
- Thoracic
- Vascular
- Uro-genital
- Limb debridement and external bone fixation or amputation
- Spine (debridement and spine stabilization)
- Brain trauma (trepanation for epidural or subdural haematoma) when a specialised surgeon is not available
- Manage post-operative ward care
- Prescribe medical treatment
Manage operating room (OR)
Skill set
- Organize OR equipment and stores
- Prepare specific equipment for casualty treatment
- Control and dispose of contaminated waste and equipment
- Maintain and clean OR
- Maintain stock levels (drugs, blood and materials)
Prepare patient for transfer
Skill set
- Knowledge of the use and limitations medical transport (ground, air and sea)
- Explain transport procedures to patient
- Prepare the patient for transfer (in-hospital and/or inter-hospital)
- Preparation of equipment for casualty evacuation
- Inform higher MTF level and commanders (MEDEVAC procedure)
- Complete medical records and transfer documentation to ensure proper handover
- Include procedures to be followed in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Intensive Care Unit
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage trauma patient
Skill set
- Assess a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS principles
- Perform Damage Control Resuscitation
- Perform triage
Manage critically ill or injured patient.
Skill set
- Recognise a critically ill or injured trauma patient
- Treat a critically ill or injured patient.
- Manage a critically ill or injured patient in ICU
- Perform blood transfusion
- Provide general ward clinical support
- Maintain communications
Provide sedative care
Skill set
- Perform patient assessment
- Prescribe sedative regime
- Monitor level of sedation and adjust regime, if necessary
Manage patient transfer
Skill set
- Prepare critical ill patient for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Know procedures to be followed in case of death
Manage CBRN contaminated patients
Skill set
Manage chemical patients in a critical care setting Manage biological patients including sepsis in a critical care setting including infection control Manage radiological patients including nuclear in a critical care setting
Assist in AEROMEDEVAC (if applicable)
Skill set
- Knowledge of the use and limitations medical transport via air
- Explain transport procedures to patients.
Supervise stock levels.
Skill set
- Ensure adequate stock levels of:
- Blood and blood products
- Oxygen
- Drugs (all types)
- Know the resupply sources and procedures
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Post Operative (PostOp) / High Dependency Unit (HDU)
Post Operative (PostOp) / High Dependency Unit (HDU)
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage PostOp patient
Skill set
- Be able to assess PostOp patient
- Be able to perform Damage Control Resuscitation
- Be able to treat a critically ill patient or injured patient
- Perform blood transfusion
- Provide general ward clinical support
- Maintain communications
Provide sedative care
Skill set
- Perform patient assessment
- Prescribe sedative regime
- Monitor level of sedation and adjust regime, if necessary
- Be able to provide pain control
Manage patient transfer
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Include procedure to be followed in case of death
MEDEVAC procedures
Skill set
- Knowledge of the use and limitations medical transport (ground, air and sea).
- Explain transport procedures to patients.
- Capability to undertake transfer of critically ill patients
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support)
Supervise stock levels.
Skill set
- Ensure adequate stock levels of:
- Blood and blood products
- Oxygen
- Drugs
- Include the resupply sources and procedures
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage patient care
Skill set
- Assess patient
- Recognise a critically ill patient
- Perform blood transfusion
- Provide patient clinical healthcare in the ward and organise patient holding
- Prepare patients for medevac
- Maintain communications
Manage post-operative patient care
Skill set
- Be able to receive patients from Post Op / HDU
- Assist and inform physician
- Assess patients and deliver nursing care
- Dress and bandage wounds
- Manage clinical waste
- Check comfort and fit of plasters and splints
- Prepare and administer medical treatment and blood transfusion
- Ensure cleanliness and comfort of patient
- Provide adequate pain relief
Conduct administrative tasks
Skill set
- Record medical and nursing activities
Supervise stock levels in ward
Skill set
- Control and maintain stock levels of drugs and other materials
- Control and maintain oxygen stock levels
- Know the resupply sources and procedures
Prepare patient for in- hospital or inter hospital transportation
Skill set
- Produce all administrative and medical documents
- Prepare equipment for casualty evacuation.
- Prepare patient for transfer.(i.e provide patient with personal protective equipment)
- Ensure the continuity of treatment (i.e. provide sufficient drugs and fluids for the duration of the transport)
- Know procedures to follow in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Isolation Ward
Isolation Ward
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Handle an infectious and/or CBRN contaminated patient
Skill set
- Be able to provide personnel and patient protection to safely treat contaminated or infectious patients
- Be able to use protective equipment according to the applicable procedures
- Be able to use the applicable procedures relevant to functioning in an isolation ward
Treat an infectious and/or CBRN contaminated patient
Skill set
- Be able to provide the same level of care as described for the ward module in the environment of the isolation ward with regard to the risks of contamination
Transfer of an infectious and/or CBRN contaminated patient
Skill set
- Have knowledge and be able to transfer a contaminated patient without posing a risk for others.
- Be able to recognise the level of infectiousness of the contaminated patient.
- Be able to apply measures in regard to the level of infectiousness.
- Know procedures to follow in case of death
Handling of contaminated waste
Skill set
- Have knowledge of and be able to use the described procedures for handling contaminated waste in the isolation ward.
- Have knowledge of and be able to use the described procedures for safely moving contaminate waste from the isolation ward IAW the effective waste handling procedures
Handling isolation ward specific and other materials
Skill set
- Ensure the appropriate level medical materials and equipment for use in the isolation ward and for transport of contaminated patients
- Have knowledge of and be able to use the procedures for moving medical materials and equipment from the isolation ward
- Have knowledge of resupply resources and procedures
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedure
Clinical Specialism: Neurosurgery
Clinical Specialism: Neurosurgery
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage Trauma.
Skill set
- Assess a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS principles
- Perform Damage Control Resuscitation
- Perform triage
Emergency management of a patient
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment
- Perform emergency neurosurgical procedures including:
- management of wounds of the scalp and skull
- cranio-cerebral wound (open or closed)
- epidural haematomas
- subdural haematomas
- penetrating wound of the brain
- intracerebral haematomas
- sinus wounds
- cerebrospinal fluid leaks
- Perform spinal surgery (included cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine):
- laminectomy
- spinal instrumentation
- spinal fusion
- management of penetrating spinal cord injury
- Management of cerebral oedema and hydrocephalus
- Manage neurosurgical post-operative care
Manage critically injured trauma patient.
Skill set
- Thoracic drain insertion
- Perform tracheotomy
- Perform escharotomy when a trauma surgeon is not available
Manage patient transfer.
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer.
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Manage a pre-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Know procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism: Ophthalmology
Clinical Specialism: Ophthalmology
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage Trauma. (contusion of eye and annex)
Skill set
- Assess a patient
- Perform ultrasonography examination of ocular lesions
- Manage a trauma patient
Emergency management of a patient
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment and ocular ultrasonography
- Perform emergency ophthalmic surgery for:
- Corneal or scleral laceration or rupture
- Lens dislocation
- Eyelids and/or lachrymal ducts injuries
- Manage post-operative ward care
- Prescribe medical treatments
Manage critically injured trauma patient (severe open globe injury with foreign body in posterior segment, retinal detachment)
Skill set
- Perform damage control surgery
- Closure of open globe injuries
- Intravitreal antibiotics injection
Manage patient transfer.
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Include procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism: Head and Neck Surgery
Clinical Specialism: Head and Neck Surgery
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage trauma
Skill set
- Assess a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS principles
- Perform triage
- Perform Damage Control Resuscitation
Manage patient in emergency
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment
- Perform emergency surgery for
- cervical
- oral – facial
- laryngo- tracheal injuries
- Manage post-operative ward care
- Prescribe medical treatments
Manage critically injured trauma patient
Skill set
- Perform damage control surgery
- cervical vascular haemostasis
- tracheotomy
- emergency airway management
- Perform second look surgery
- Manage post-operative ward care
Manage patient transfer
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Know procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism Paediatrics
Clinical Specialism Paediatrics
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage ill or injured child
Skill set
- Assess a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS principles
- Perform triage
- Refer a trauma or surgical patient to appropriate surgical staff
Manage child in emergency
Skill set
- Perform clinical assessment
- Perform critical care
- intravenous infusion
- ventilation
- cardio vascular and respiratory monitoring
- Prescribe medical treatment
- Manage ward care
Manage critically ill child
Skill set
- Undertake critical care management for:
- shock
- coma
- respiratory distress
- acute renal failure
Manage child transfer
Skill set
- Prepare child for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Manage a pre-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Know procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism: Oral Facial Maxillary Surgery
Clinical Specialism: Oral Facial Maxillary Surgery
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage Maxillofacial trauma
Skill set
- Assess a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS principles
- Manage a trauma patient with maxillofacial injuries
Manage patient transfer
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Know procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism Burn and Plastic Surgery
Clinical Specialism Burn and Plastic Surgery
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage burn patient in emergency
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment
- Perform emergency surgery:
- Necrosectomy/escharotomy
- Tracheotomy
- Burn dressing
Plastic surgery management of critically injured trauma patient
Skill set
- Perform damage control surgery
- Tracheotomy
- Fasciotomy
- Perform second look surgery
- grafts
- flaps
Manage patient transfer
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
- Know procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism: Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Clinical specialism: Gynaecology and Obstetrics
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage pregnancy or gynaecology
Skill set
- Assess a patient
- Manage the pre-partum, inter-partum and post-partum care of a pregnant woman
- Diagnose and manage gynaecologic diseases
Manage patient in emergency
Skill set
- Perform pre-operative assessment
- Perform emergency surgery:
- curettage
- abscess incision
- total hysterectomy
- ectopic pregnancy
- acute ovarian cyst or tumour
- caesarean section
- haemostatic hysterectomy
- Manage post-operative ward care
- Prescribe medical treatments
Manage critically ill patient
Skill set
- Perform second look surgery
- Achieve haemostasis in an obstetric or gynaecological emergency
Manage patient transfer
Skill set
- Prepare patient for transfer
- Manage an in-hospital transfer
- Manage an inter-hospital transfer
- Manage pre-hospital transfer
- Know procedures in case of death
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Clinical Specialism: Internal and Tropical Medicine
Clinical specialism: Internal and Tropical Medicine
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage medical emergencies
Skill set
- Assess a patient according to ATLS or Battle ATLS principles
- Perform triage
- Manage patients with medical conditions
- Manage ward care
Medical clinics
Skill set
- Diagnose infectious diseases including:
- tropical diseases (malaria, arboviral infections, parasites, diarrhea)
- sexually transmitted diseases
- respiratory tract infections
- Provide humanitarian assistance and paediatric primary health care
- Prescribe medical treatment
- Manage heat and cold injuries
- Manage battle stress and psychiatric casualties
- Manage decontamination (contaminated or infected patient)
Preventive Medicine Organization
Skill set
- Perform vaccinations
- Supervision of malaria chemoprophylaxis
- Advise on the prevention of vector borne diseases
- Supervision of the medical team
- Perform telemedicine
- Redaction of guidelines
- Provide medical surveillance data
Manage medical patient transfer.
Skill set
- Prepare patient for medical evacuation
- Produce all technical and administrative documents (general ward clinical support, operative report)
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage out-patient clinics
Skill set
- Perform clinical assessment
- Diagnose functional impairment
- Prescribe physio-therapeutical treatment
- Control and assess the result of rehabilitation and physiotherapy
Manage rehabilitation
Skill set
- Realise an initial functional check-up
- Perform and/or control physiotherapy and exercises of rehabilitation
- Record physiotherapy activities
- Manage and maintain stocks and equipment
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Emergency dental care
Skill set
- Examine, diagnose and assess oral medical conditions
- Treat acute disorders and trauma by initial or temporary treatment
- Relieve the pain by administering local anaesthesia and /or pain medication and/or by initial or temporary treatment
- Perform initial treatment required for evacuation
- Keep dental administration
- Perform hygiene and infection control
Pain relief in oro- maxillofacial region
Skill set
- Examine, diagnose and assess oral medical conditions
- General pharmacological knowledge on analgesic drugs (and sedatives) in association with oro- maxillofacial injuries and pain relief
- Relieve the pain by administering local anaesthesia and /or pain medication and/or by initial or temporary treatment
- Treat acute disorders and trauma by initial or temporary treatment
- Perform initial treatment required for evacuation
- Keep dental administration
- Perform hygiene and infection control
Primary dental care
Skill set
- Examine, diagnose and assess oral medical conditions
- Administer local anaesthesia
- Provide periodontal treatment (temporary and / or definite)
- Provide endodontic treatment (temporary and/or definite)
- Provide restorative dental treatment (temporary and/or definite)
- Provide initial treatment to relieve odontogenic infections (pharmacological, incision & drainage)
- Perform extractions
- Perform dental alveolar surgery
- Provide temporary repair of prosthetic appliances
- Apply temporary dental and /or maxillary fixations
- Provide instruction and care on oral hygiene
- Perform initial treatment required for evacuation
- Keep dental administration
- Perform hygiene and infection control (disinfection and sterilisation)
Intra-oral radiographs
Skill set
- Perform (preferable digital) dental radiographs.
- Interpret (digital) dental radiographs
- Apply radiation protection according to national laws
Dental-alveolar surgery
Skill set
- Examine, diagnose and assess oral medical conditions
- Administer local anaesthesia
- Perform dental-alveolar surgery and extractions
- Provide (initial) treatment to relieve odontogenic infections
- Provide post-operative maintenance
- Provide temporary dental and /or maxillary stabilization
- Perform initial treatment required for evacuation
- Keep dental administration
- Perform hygiene and infection control (disinfection and sterilisation)
Secondary dental care
Skill set
- Examine, diagnose and assess oral medical conditions
- Administer local anaesthesia
- Provide periodontal treatment
- Provide definitive endodontic treatment
- Provide definitive restorative dental treatment
- Provide treatment to relieve odontogenic infections
- Perform extractions
- Perform dental alveolar surgery
- Provide temporary repair of prosthetic appliances
- Apply temporary dental and /or maxillary stabilization
- Provide instruction and care on oral hygiene
- Perform initial treatment required for evacuation
- Keep dental administration
- Perform hygiene and infection control (disinfection and sterilisation)
Panoramic radiography
Skill set
- Perform (preferably digital) panoramic radiographs
- Apply radiation protection according to national laws
- Interpret (digital) panoramic radiographs
Oro- and maxillofacial surgery
Skill set
- Examine, diagnose and assess oral medical conditions
- Administer local anaesthesia
- Perform dental alveolar surgery and extractions
- Provide treatment to relieve odontogenic infections
- Perform oro-maxillofacial surgery
- Apply temporary and definitive dental and /or maxillary stabilization
- Provide post-operative maintenance
- Perform initial treatment required for evacuation
- Keep dental administration
- Perform hygiene and infection control (disinfection and sterilisation)
Forensic dentistry
Skill set
- Perform forensic dental investigation in accordance with STANAG 2464 (respecting national and international legislation.)
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Mental Health
Mental Health
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provision of operational Mental Health (MH) advice to the Chain of Command (CoC)
Skill set
- Assess operational MH issues
- Brief CoC
Provision of Liaison Service to medical, nursing and paramedical colleagues.
Skill set
- Assess operational MH issues
- Brief medical chain of command and medical personnel
Preventive mental health outreach
Skill set
- Recognise individual and/or collective potential mental health issues by visiting deployed forces
- Ensure that personnel exposed to a blast are identified and evaluated for a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
This information is transmitted to the appropriate national defence health service - When required attend after action reviews or operational debriefs
Provision of operational MH briefings to military forces
Skill set
- Understand scope of available briefing materials
- Brief forces as required
Manage violent mentally disturbed patient
Manage substance related problems
Manage suicidal patient
Manage depressed patient
Manage acute psychotic patient
Manage acute stress reaction and PTSD
Skill set
- Assess referred patients
- Formulate problem
- Apply general principles of management of mentally disturbed patients
- Include evidence based pharmacological, psychological, social methods.
- Decide management/ treatment plan.
- Deliver management/ treatment plan.
- Be able to treat patients individually or in groups
- Include procedures to follow in case of death
Contribute to Aero- medical Evacuation (AE) Procedures.
Skill set
- Assess need for AE of mental health patients
- Produce required documentation
- Provide treatment for mental health patients to ensure fitness for AE
- Be able to asses if specialized personnel for patient transfer is required
Respond to MASCA
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
- Be able to assess the need for additional mental health capacity
Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Decontamination
Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Decontamination
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage trauma and contaminated under Individual Protective Equipment.
Skill set
- Triage CBRN patients
- Perform CBRN patients assessment including ‘Quick Look’
- Provide life-saving interventions in a CBRN environment including trauma
- Perform patient hazard management (contain, decontamination and/or isolation)
- Manage combined chemical patients
- Manage combined biological patients including sepsis
- Manage combined radiological patients including nuclear
Manage contamination or contagious risks
Skill set
- Perform patient hazard management (contain, decontamination and/or isolation)
- Establish a patient decontamination area / centre
- Establish patient isolation area
- Perform MEDEVAC of a potentially contagious patient
Manage the medical aspects of a CBRN incident
Skill set
- Identify on scene CBRN hazards
- Mitigate any on scene CBRN hazards
- Establish incident zones and cordons
- Establish command and control
- Establish communications and a reporting chain
- Produce a CBRN medical incident report
- Complete a CBRN verbal handover
- Complete a CBRN casualty report form
- Complete a medical assessment of the scene
- Carry out CBRN and conventional triage
- Establish on scene medical infrastructure
- Advise on the use of post-exposure MedCM
- Conduct operational epidemiology
Manage chemical contaminated patient
Skill set
- Assess a patient for life-threatening chemical intoxication
- Treat a patient for life-threatening chemical intoxication
Manage biological contaminated patient
Skill set
- Assess a patient for signs of infection and sepsis
- Assess a patient for signs of biological toxin exposure
- Assess a patient for risk of a contagious disease
- Treat a patient with sepsis
- Treat a patient with a significant infection
- Treat a patient with a biological toxin exposure
Manage irradiated contaminated patient
Skill set
- Assess a patient for signs of significant irradiation
- Treat a patient for prodromal symptoms of acute radiation syndrome
- Manage a combined radiological casualty
- Manage the early stages of acute radiation injury
Supervise stocks level
Skill set
- Control oxygen stock
- Control antidotes, antibiotic and vaccine stock levels
- Be able to access medical stockpiles when available
Manage specific equipment and personnel
Skill set
- Store and manage operational equipment
- Ensure control procedures, and CBRN defence equipment reliability
- Manage human resources
Logistic and administrative functions
Skill set
- Supply consumables (water, soap, etc.)
- Provide activity reports
- Order CBRN medical resupply
- Record the use of medical countermeasures
- Record any possible or confirmed CBRN exposure
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Specified Diagnostic
Specified Diagnostic
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide field radiography and ultra sound (sonography) and basic laboratory services
Skill set
- Perform radiography, imaging and ensure radio protection
- Provide standard x-ray views
- Develop x-ray films (optional)
- Perform eFAST
- Control and dispose of contaminated waste and equipment
- Provide minimum field laboratory support required for surgery and resuscitation
- Collect clinical samples
- Analyse clinical samples
- Ensure supply of consumables
- Ensure registration of laboratory results and samples
- Perform basic maintenance of laboratory and radiography equipment
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide laboratory service
Skill set
- Provide laboratory support
- Collect clinical samples
- Be able to arrange shipping of biological samples (including those presenting specific CBR hazards)
- Analyse clinical samples
- Ensure supply of consumables
- Ensure registration of laboratory results and samples
- Perform basic maintenance of laboratory equipment
- Manage the disposal of biological waste
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Imagery examination
Skill set
- Provide standard x-ray views
- Develop x-ray films (if applicable)
- Give intravenous contrast
- Perform fluoroscopy examination
- Perform sonography/ultrasound examination
Provide logistic functions for imagery services
Skill set
- Ensure adequate supply of consumables
- Organise maintenance of radiological equipment
- Provide radiological activity reports
- Provide reporting service for x-ray and ultrasound findings
Manage radiology room
Skill set
- Organise x-ray room and control entry during radiological exposure
- Prepare equipment for radiological examinations
- Control and dispose of contaminated waste and equipment
- Maintain and clean x-ray room and equipment
- Manage and maintain stock levels
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Computed Tomography (CT)
Computed Tomography (CT)
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Imagery examination services
Skill set
- Perform CT-scan examination and diagnostic
Logistic functions for radiological services
Skill set
- Ensure adequate supply of consumables
- Organise maintenance of CT equipment
- Provide CT activity reports
- Provide reporting service for CT findings
Manage CT room
Skill set
- Organise CT room, control entry during radiological exposure and ensure radiation protection
- Prepare equipment for CT examinations
- Control and dispose of contaminated waste and equipment
- Maintain and clean CT room and equipment
- Manage and maintain stock levels
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage field sterilisation services to the medical and/or surgical modules of the medical system
Skill set
- Receive contaminated equipment.
- Control, clean and disinfect equipment.
- Inspect and service equipment.
- Maintain stock levels.
- Manage clinical waste.
- Pack and sterilise equipment.
Manage sterile equipment.
Skill set
- Store and operate sterile operating room equipment
- Ensure equipment is maintained and defects are rectified
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Medical Supply
Medical Supply
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide drugs and medical (disposable) supply and supply coordination under supervision of a pharmacist in accordance with Good Distribution Practice.
Skill set
- Be able to deploy the capacity to provide sufficient medical supply tailored to the number and type of MTF’s to be supported.
- Be able to advise the commanders of the supported units and medical modules in the domains of pharmacy and medical (re)supply.
- Be able to manage the stock and the distribution of medical materiel. Be able to verify calibration and repair or replace malfunctioning equipment.
- Be able to assure the quantitative and qualitative reception and distribution of blood and blood products. (if applicable)
- Be able to assure the re-supply of medical gases.
- Be able to advice on the handling of medical waste.
- Be able to respond to MASCAL
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide medical oxygen
Skill set
- Be able to provide medical oxygen IAW agreed standards
- Be able to validate the required quality of medical oxygen
- Be able to provide the quantity of medical oxygen required by the medical system to be supported
Manage storage and supply
Skill set
- Be able to store medical oxygen IAW the applicable safety and storage regulations
- Be able to provide medical oxygen in cylinders as required by the system to be supported (i.e. Aluminium for AE)
- Be able to provide a guaranteed and continuous flow of medical oxygen for fixed hospital supply systems (if applicable)
Manage communication and administration
Skill set
- Be able to register, track and trace produce and distributed medical oxygen.
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Blood Bank
Blood bank
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide blood products
Skill set
- Be able to provide blood products IAW agreed standards
- Be able to validate the required quality of blood products
- Be able to provide the quantity of blood products required by the medical system to be supported
Manage storage and supply
Skill set
- Be able to store blood products IAW the applicable safety and storage regulations
- Be able to store a guaranteed and reliable supply of blood products
Manage communication and administration
Skill set
- Be able to register and report on the production and usage of blood
- Be able to track and trace blood product donors
- Be able to track and trace blood product receivers
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide pharmacy services
Skill set
- Be able to deploy a sufficient medical supply capacity to support the MTF.
- Be able to advise the commander of the MTF in the domains of pharmacy and medical supply.
- Be able to provide the pharmacy support to the MTF.
- Be able to manage the stock and the distribution of medical materiel.
- Be able to assure the quantitative and qualitative reception and distribution of blood and blood derivate products (if applicable).
- Be able to advice on the handling of medical waste.
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Hyperbaric Module
Hyperbaric Module
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage diving casualties
Skill set
- Have the educational background knowledge of physics and gas laws
- Have the clinical background of diving pathophysiology
- Have the technical skills to operate the hyperbaric chamber
- Treat the patient according to the appropriate decompression tables
Manage aviation decompression illness
Skill set
- Have the educational background knowledge of physics and gas laws
- Have the clinical background of aviation pathophysiology
- Have the technical skills to operate the hyperbaric chamber
- Treat the patient with oxygen therapy and /or with the appropriate decompression tables
Manage hyperbaric chamber emergencies
Skill set
- Manage technical emergencies
- Manage environmental emergencies
- Manage patient emergency complications
Administrative and logistical functions
Skill set
- Be able to supervise hyperbaric technicians
- Be able to manage and maintain the hyperbaric chamber
- Be able to supervise the consumable re-supply especially required gasses
- Provide activity reports
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Provide sampling services
Skill set
- Collect samples
- Develop sampling protocols
- Process samples (shipment, storage) according to international regulations
- Develop sample processing procedures
Perform analysis
Skill set
- Develop requirements for analysis
- Analyse samples
- Provide technical validation of methods and results
- Provide record of reported results
Provide preventive medicine advice
Skill set
- Provide advice for infectious diseases management to commanders at all levels
- Provide advice for defence against health risks to commanders at all levels
- Provide preventive medicine information in theatre
- Maintain communication with reference laboratories
Manage rodent control
Skill set
- Provide rodent control
Manage administrative and logistical functions
Skill set
- Supervision of laboratory team
- Manage and maintain PrevMed equipment
- Supervision of consumable re-supply
- Redaction of procedures and protocols
- Provide activity reports
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Animal Care
Animal care
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage animal welfare and healthcare
Skill set
- Evaluates the health, employability, accommodation and food of the animals employed in support of the unit / mission
- provide medical and/or surgical care to animals employed in support of the unit / mission
- provide medical and/or surgical care to all animals residing (temporarily or permanently) in a military facility
- provide medical and/or surgical care to all animals subject of an agreement or a specific convention
Ensure veterinary public health (prevent or manage outbreaks of serious animal diseases and safeguard public health from animal borne diseases or environmental related risks)
Skill set
- Evaluate the risk in accordance with the environment
- Develop requirements for analysis biological tests or necropsis
- Analyse samples
- Provide technical validation of methods and results
- Provide record of reported results
Ensure the safety and security of food - water supplies of military personnel
Skill set
- Provide food - water safety and security inspections within the military facilities
- Provide food - water safety and security inspections in the production or storage facilities of any food provider contracted in support of the unit / mission
Provide military veterinary expertise.
Skill set
- Provide advice for defence against health risks to commanders at all levels
- Provide advice for infectious diseases management to commanders at all levels
- Provide preventive medicine information in theatre
- Maintain communication with reference laboratories
Administrative and logistical functions
Skill set
- Be able to supervise a veterinary technician team
- Be able to manage and maintain PrevMed equipment
- Be able to supervise the consumable re-supply
- Provide activity reports
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage reception and holding of remains
Skill set
- Be able to receive and hold remains
- Be able to sort personal belongings
- Be able to document personal belongings
- Maintain cooling of the remains
Provide post mortem care
Skill set
- Ensure basic post- mortem care
- Be able to apply desirable post- mortem care when applicable
- Be able to apply complex restorations of the deceased’s face and/ or extremities when applicable
- Be able to apply basic post- mortem care in different cultures when applicable
- Be able to apply basic and /or desirable post mortem care on land and ship, both in tents as in solid infrastructure
- Be able to prepare the remains for transport to other MTF or land of origin
- Be able to assist disaster victim recovery when applicable
- Be able to assist civilian authorities when applicable
Manage communication and administration
Skill set
- Be able to produce all technical and administrative documents for deceased (COD etc.)
- Ensure the recording of medical activities
- Be able to issue certificates for personal belongings
Provide autopsy assistance (when applicable)
Skill set
- Be able to assist civil or military police during the investigation on the crime scene
- Be able to assist civil or military police during the post- mortem examination
Manage maintenance and supply
Skill set
- Be able to initiate, to continue and terminate cooling capacity
- Ensure pre-emptive user maintenance
- Be able to assist and inform maintenance personal
- Maintain stock levels
- Ensure the cleaning and disinfection of equipment
Manage storage and processing of medical waste (when applicable)
Skill set
- Be able to receive (contaminated) medical waste
- Be able to store medical waste
- Be able to process medical waste when applicable
- Be able to dispose medical waste when applicable
- Ensure the administration of medical waste when applicable
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures
Rapidly Deployable Outbreak Investigation Team (RDOIT)
Rapidly Deployable Outbreak Investigation Team (RDOIT)
(applicable skill set depend on the personnel’s qualifications and applicable SOP’s)
Manage identification of the causative agent of the outbreak or incident
Skill set
- Be able to perform sampling of any relevant material (e.g. from humans, animals, vectors, drinking water, food), both for immediate specialized and delayed diagnosis. Sampling will include live invasive sampling when needed as well as autopsies. This includes capabilities to refrigerate or freeze samples.
- Be able to escort/ship samples as fast as possible to a reference laboratory in safe conditions according to international regulations for the transportation of biological samples (e.g., International Air Transport Association and World Health Organization).
- Be able to cooperate and communicate with other theatre CBRN assets; security forces; local laboratories (clinical/microbiological, public health and environmental) and authorities; local medical personnel, to include public health officials; on-site commanders and local authorities.
- Be able to exchange information and samples with other teams and laboratories, as appropriate.
Perform epidemiological field or desktop investigation
Skill set
- Perform preliminary diagnosis as fast as possible (team to carry the appropriate equipment and supplies). Apply biosafety procedures as appropriate.
- Carry out epidemiological investigations.
- Be able to recognize possible triggering events deducted from:
- Data from the medical treatment facilities, such as:
- Identification among military or civilians of case(s) of an infectious disease:
- not known to be endemic in the region of deployment
- when incidence is much higher than usually encountered
- spreading with such a high casualty rate that treatment facilities are likely to be overwhelmed
- All cases of infectious diseases known or considered likely to be suitable for use as a BW agent, which should be regarded as suspicious
- Sudden appearance and spreading of a zoonotic disease in humans or animals
- Data from disease surveillance systems and related case definitions, when available.
Provide information to assist command and medical decisions Advise on prevention and control measures and provide advice to medical authorities
Skill set
- Identify, review and advise on basic infection prevention and control measures.
- Provide advice in securing the area of the incident site. These may include but not be limited to: appropriate medical treatment or prophylaxis, healthcare worker safety, isolation and quarantine measures, appropriate protective apparel, and appropriate waste disposal.
- Be able to report the generated data to relevant authorities through the chain of command
Respond to MASCAL
Skill set
- Be able to act IAW the established MASCAL plans and procedures